08 August 2011

A defamatory, fraudulent and malicious blog was created using our product name, African Mirror magazine.


It was from a link sent to us on 11 March 2010 by one of our endorsers, namely The Foundation for the Development of Africa (FDA) that we were made aware of the existence of a defamatory, fraudulent and malicious blog using our product name, African Mirror magazine

The identity of the posters are known to us. They have materially infringed on our privacy, copyrights, trademark, dignity, goodwill etc. with the deliberate and malicious intent to harm, embarrass, defame and cause us serious financial loss. Links to that blog were sent to important entities critical to the survival and purpose of our business. 

We immediately laid charges against two evil lesbian females from Somerset West of crimen injuria, fraud, malice, misrepresentation, causing immeasurable damage to our business and reputation, invasion of privacy and the illegal dissemination of our very private and confidential information etc. in the public domain at the South African Police Service, Somerset West.

PUBLISHER: Symbiotic Media

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